An extra activity that can be done with the box – not included in the Activity Book – is making number grid pictures. Take a list of sums and colours. Solve the sums, lay the correct colour counters on the squares of the number grid and make a picture.
It’s a fun way to reinforce times tables, basic arithmetic, and number bonds. If your child enjoys doing these, maybe they could try creating their own pictures for you to solve.
Here’s a few of ours to get you started. We’ll keep adding to this page as we create more number grid pictures of our own.
Here are the latest pictures:

If you have your own numbergrid, you can download the sums to make the pictures here:
If you don’t have a numbergrid, download these sums, which have a printed numbergrid on the bottom for you to colour in:
You can use the counters and the grid in your box to create these pictures:

Solve the sums to place the counters, and see what you find!

If you don’t have a Frogotter Box yet, you can still join in with the fun by downloading the numbergrids below and colouring in the squares with pencils to create the pictures.